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English translation for "local rules"


Related Translations:
ruled:  规则面直纹面
rule:  n.1.规则,规定;法则,定律;章程,规章;标准;(教会等的)教规,条例,教条;常例,惯例。2.统治,支配;【法律】命令;(对某一案的)裁决,裁定。3.尺,画线板;【印刷】线,线条。4.【数学】解法。5.〔the rules〕【英史】(允许囚犯交付保证金后迁往居住的)狱旁特区。短语和例子the rule(s) of the road 交通规则。 a hard and fas
rules:  安全法规本论坛规则传统决策规则规程规条规则游戏规章入级规范条例推裆规则
ruling:  adj.统治的,支配的,管辖的;主要的,主导的,优势的,有力的;普遍的,流行的,一般的,平均的(价格等);划线用的。n.统治,管辖;【法律】判决;(用尺的)划线[量度];划出的线。 a ruling passion 占统治地位的感情,主要动机。 the ruling class 统治阶级。 the ruling spirit 主动者,首脑。 the ruling price
local rule:  当地规则或特别规则土政策
local:  adj.1.地方的,当地的,本地的。2.局部的。3.乡土的,狭隘的,片面的。4.【邮政】本市的,本地的;【铁路】区间的。5.【数学】轨迹的。短语和例子a local adverb 表示地点的副词(如 here, there等)。 a local custom 地方习惯。 a local name 地名。 local news 本地新闻。 a local station 地方
locals:  本地球队区域变量
rule by rule:  依法理规则的
Example Sentences:
1.From the local rules and regulations of lantian to those of chenggong
2.Knowledge of local rules and regulations is an important element
3.Local rules and regulations
4.Golf rules local rules
5.Our products are strictly compliant with local rules such as ce , ul , fcc , etc
我们的产品严格遵循ce ? ul ? fcc等国际认证的标准。
6.No law or administrative or local rules and regulations shall contravene the constitution
7.No laws or administrative or local rules and regulations may contravene the constitution
8.A local rule shall be decided upon by government regular affairs meeting or plenary meeting
9.Administrative regulations has higher legal authority than local decrees and administrative or local rules
10.The taking into account of the teenagers ' opinions sets a precedent for the 7 , 500 current local rules and regulations
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